An internal control report motivates management to improve its internal control system. 内部控制报表能刺激管理层改善公司的内部控制系统。
One of the main causes is from lack of the complied operative internal control system for asset impairments. 原因在于缺乏与之配套的、具有可操作性的八项资产减值内部控制制度。
Strengthens the enterprise internal control system establishes modern enterprise system's intrinsic request. 加强企业内部控制制度是建立现代企业制度的内在要求。
Establishing and counseling enterprise internal control system and mechanism; 企业内控制度与机制建立与辅导;
At present, there is imperfect internal control system in our medium and small scaled enterprise. 目前我国中小企业普遍存在着内控体系不健全的现象。
Ensure effective internal control system in finance area, periodic check and seek continuous improvements. 确保财务部门有效的内部控制系统,定期的审核,持续改善。
Well established internal management system and internal control system; qualification and quantity of accountants allocated satisfy management requirements; 内部管理完善,内控制度健全,配备的会计结算人员素质和数量符合管理要求;
Contribute to set up and optimize the internal control system and its processes, reduce the risks of business, and ensure the company assets. 协助建立和完善集团内控制度和流程,降低集团运作风险,确保公司资产的安全。
The Research on Internal Control System's Optimization and Operation of JH Enterprise JH公司内部控制体系的优化及运行研究
To address the problem, from my view, should establish strict internal control system of banks accounting; 针对上述问题,笔者认为应该从建立严密的银行会计内控体系;
Therefore, the construction of valid account receivable internal control system becomes more and more important. 因此,建立有效的应收账款内部控制制度越来越重要。
They shall have the well-established internal control system and formulate and execute the unified credit system; 有健全的内控机制,制定和实施了统一授信制度;
On Relation between Internal Audit and Internal Control System 试论内部审计与内部控制体系的关系
To monitor the company's internal control system. in-year management 审查公司的内控制度。年度内的财政管理工作
The auditor is responsible to ensure the sound of the internal control system of the entity. 审计师有责任去确保公司内部管理是良好和健全的。
To discuss with the management the system of internal control and ensure that management has discharged its duty to have an effective internal control system. 与管理层讨论内部监控系统,确保管理层已履行职责建立有效的内部监控系统。
On the problems of Internal Control System of the Communication Banks and Its Countermeasures 交通银行内控制度存在的问题及对策
Audit and SupervisoryOffice conducts internal audit of the accounting books and review the internal control system and its implementation. 审计监察室指导帐簿的内部审计和核查内部控制系统以及其执行情况。
Having a complete risk management system as well as an internal control system; 有完善的风险管理与内部控制制度;
Implementing internal audit, establish and perfect internal control system ensuring company's policies being effectively executed. 实施内部审计,建立健全企业内部控制制度,保障公司制度得以有效贯彻执行;
The internal control system has become the focus of research for both theory and practice fields. 内部控制制度已经成为目前学术界和企业界讨论的热点。
Design of Internal Control System in Our Country's Export-Tax-Refunding Management 我国出口退税管理中内部控制制度设计
An internal control evaluation includes the evaluation of both the process and the result of the internal control system. 内部控制评价包括过程评价和结果评价。
Finally, this paper proposes to build internal control system of College rear-service enterprises under the COSO framework. 文章最后提出在COSO框架下构建高校后勤企业内部控制体系的思路。
One of the most talked about things in theory and practice is to reinforce and perfect internal control system. 加强和完善内部控制制度,已成为当前理论界和实务界最为关注的话题之一。
The Research on Constructing Internal Control System of Construction Enterprise 建筑施工企业内部控制体系构建研究
Study on Constructing the Framework of Evaluation and Reporting in Internal Control System of Listed Companies 我国上市公司内部控制评价与报告体系的构建
Statement on Internal Control together with a CPA's special audit report on the internal control system. 申请公司应出具内部控制制度声明书,及检附会计师出具之内部控制制度专案审查报告。
With development of social economy, function and position of internal control system have gradually appeared. 随着社会经济的发展,内部控制在企业管理中的地位和作用日渐突出。
Even the best internal control system may provide only partial assurance. 即使最佳的内部控制制度,亦只能提供部份保证。